This application was created as a software project for ICS 427, a software quality assurance class at UHM. Cinopsis is a web application designed to help people get their money’s worth when choosing a movie to watch. The application allows different users to upload reviews and rate movies. By looking at the ratings and reviews other people have said about a movie, users can choose whether this movie is worth their time or not.
The application can be viewed here: Cinopsis
This application includes:
- New Movie Page (admin): a page where only admins can add new movies.
- Browse Movies Page (admin and user): a page with published movies by the admin. The admin is able to edit movies on the Browse Movies page. Each movie includes a brief synopsis and the film’s genre.
- Write A Review Page (user): the user is directed here after selecting to review a movie.
- My Reviews Page (user): the user is able to see all the reviews they have written.
- My Profile Page (admin and user): admins and users have their own profile page where they are able to write (and edit) an image and a short bio about themselves.
Development Process
I contributed to the project through various means in front-end design and back-end development. I helped with the overall UI design and look of the pages, along with working on the profile page and the main documentation and specifications of the application. I also assisted in creating, updating, and maintaining our project homepage.
- Implementing various desired functionality proved to be extremely challenging to the point of failure, as we were unable to include every piece of functionality that we wanted to in the final version of our project; in other words, a challenge was the act of coding itself.
- Merging branches; conflicts between various group members’ branches made merging their branches difficult at time.
- Deployment; occasionally, differences would be noted between local and deployed versions of the project.
- Thinking from the perspective of what is secure; for example, although we wanted to add usernames to posted reviews, we decided to make reviews anonymous until the delete review functionality was able to be implemented, which went against our instict of implementing whatever we thought would look the best.
Being unable to add functionality that we wanted to, such as the average, automatically updated rating for each movie, search bar functionality, editing and deleting reviews for users and admins
This was a group project managed by the following members: Nhan Bui, Kha Bui, Maegan Chow, and Kiran Datwani (myself). To learn more about this project, please visit our GitHub repository:
Cinopsis GitHub Repository