

FamBloom was created as a way for people to develop family trees along with stories. While all requirements such as generational stories weren’t implemented in the short timespan, there were many goals regarding the functionalities and aesthetics that were able to be met. This web application is able to help a user create a family tree along with being able to see different public trees and statistics of females/males.

The application can be viewed here: FamBloom

This application includes:

Development Process

I contributed to the project through various means in front-end design, including the overall design of the landing page and helped with the statistics page for the individual models.

This project incorporated a full-stack development in a web application, so many aspects of software engineering were included such as design in HTML/CSS, JavaScript, back-end development using Python, as well as storing information through PostgreSQL, and deployment through Heroku.

Contact Us

This was a group project managed by the following members: Jolie Ching, Mirabela Medallon, and Kiran Datwani (myself). To learn more about this project, please visit our GitHub repository:

FamBloom GitHub Repository