COVID Symptom Tracker


This program was created during the Stanford Treehacks in 2021 and was held completely virtual. This app serves as a way for people to track their symptoms that may be prevalent in people especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. After writing their profile, and updating their symptoms, they will be given a screen if their symptoms are in critical condition. They would then be guided to a resources page where they would be able to locate a hospital near them and the capacity of that hospital.

Although my team were unable to win a prize, we enjoyed hacking, and for two of us, this was our first time in a hackathon. We gained many insights and inspirations from different teams and newfound friendships along the way. We learned many new skills in design and iOS development.

This application includes:

Development Process

I contributed to the project through various means in design and overall layout. I created the logo we used for the competition, the Figma layouts and contributed to helping establish the official colors of the application.

This project focused on the minimum viable product (MVP) and my group was able to accomplish so by creating an app that connects to the user, has a clear goal, and is vsually easy to understand and use.

Contact Us

This was a hackathon project managed by the following members: Soumya, Jordan, and Kiran (myself). To learn more about this project, you can watch our video demo:

COVID Symptoms Tracker